Is the study of how the development of your child's brain affects their behavior, emotions, and academics. Our neuropsychologists sit down with you to obtain a comprehensive history, administer a diverse set of diagnostic tests, and explain our findings in sharp detail. It is our goal to help you better understand how why your child behaves how they do in order to become an advocate for your child's healthy development.
Changes in work performance, decline in memory, problems with concentration, and personality changes may be due to any number of medical, psychological, or environmental causes. Using a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation we will interpret your performance across individualized sets of tests in order to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and to help you to plan for the services you need to start living a more holistic life.
Our approach is more than simply testing intellect and basic academics. We evaluate a child’s academic achievement from the perspective of the whole-brain processes required to produce academic skills. We are dedicated to providing accurate learning disorder diagnoses so that you can get the academic services your child needs to be more successful at school. We utilize an integrated approach to Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE) that link assessment data to meaningful program development and outcomes. Our Director of Academic Services, Kate, has nearly 20 years of practical experience in navigating public education policy and implementing IDEA and 504.
Identifying children with gifted intellect requires standardized intelligence testing. This is an important first step in finding the proper educational placement and setting an educational plan for the future. Assessment techniques used are approved by the AZ State Board of Education and meet compliance with public school gifted program assessment criteria.
Psychological assessment helps to elucidate a person's pattern of behavior, personality, and capabilities. Assessment begins with a clinical interview to get background information about personal and childhood history, recent life experiences, work and academic performance, and family background. We then conduct a battery of psychological tests and seek to weave the data into a comprehensive picture in order to develop a more efficacious psychotherapy treatment plan.
We work with individuals in the legal system to inform court proceedings about a defendant's neuropsychological profile. Dr. Beljan has appeared as an expert witness in evaluations for fitness to stand trial, mental state determinations, and risk of re-offending. He works with lawyers representing clients who have suffered traumatic brain injuries resulting from accidents and seek compensation.
We provide multiple types of evaluations for Autism Spectrum Disorder. The traditional approach uses the ADOS-2 to identify whether your child has ASD. We have also developed a neuropsychologically-informed diagnostic and treatment recommendation approach for Autism utilizing an integrated model for analyzing not only your child's social skills, but also adaptive executive functioning mediated language skills.
Individual therapy is tailored to meet individual needs. Our therapists vary in their orientation and approach, and an effort will be made to connect you with the therapist who best fits your particular needs and goals for treatment. A number of approaches may be used and the treatment plan will be developed in close collaboration with the parent and child. Common concerns include anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, giftedness, parenting stress, and difficulties associated with ADHD and executive function deficits. Depending on your specific needs, your therapist at Beljan Psychological Services may employ a myriad of available treatment approaches including cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based therapy, play therapy and parent education.
We support a safe, structured, and healing environment for couples to learn and grow with one another. Relationships pass through stages of growth and challenge. Couples may encounter rough spots or tough times that stem from unmet needs of one or both partners. Often our behaviors are imported from our families and may have worked well once, but no longer offer solid, safe, or effective outcomes. Families face challenges and often the most effective way to change those challenges is to work with several family members at once. Families are a connection—a relationship—and when relationships are stressed, the way toward re-connection is through the relationships.
Lindamood-Bell is internationally recognized for developing evidence-based programs that focus on the sensory-cognitive processing necessary to develop decoding, reading comprehension, spelling, and listening comprehension skills. The Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program (LiPS) is a highly structured reading and spelling tutoring program for students from kindergarten through adulthood who have dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and/or speech disorders.
Is your child struggling with academics? Many times children and adolescents just have not been taught how to study correctly. We offer a 6-week training program that integrates academic principles with psychotherapeutic interventions to increase motivation and academic performance.
The educational system is complicated. It can feel overwhelming and difficult to navigate. We understand the terminology, processes, and procedures governing special education (IDEA) and 504. Available services include:
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